Friday, February 02, 2007

Sienna Miller

Sienna Miller tells the newspapers that "I was just faking it".

It become a Don't Look Now phenomenon on the web.

But Sienna Miller's management has injected a dose of reality into heated reports that she and her Factory Girl co-star Hayden Christensen had actual, not virtual, sex while filming a love scene for the movie, telling the New York Post: "It's not true at all."

"When you do a love scene, there are five or six people on the set at a minimum," she said.

Her management says the scene was so realistic because Sienna is "just a great actress."

Well, "great" might be stretching the language a little too far but yews, she is an acctress. Faking it is what she's (over) paid to do. Amaxzing that she actually does so, don't you think?


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